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英国是一个高度发达的资本主义国家。欧洲四大经济体之一,其国民拥有较高的生活水平和良好的社会保障制度。我整理了英国旅游 英语 作文 ,欢迎阅读!

英国 旅游英语 作文篇一

The Englishman love to behave gentlemanly and the Englishwoman love to behave ladily.They also show their respect to ladies.They always say" Lady first".In their daily life.the English pay attention to their appearance.They dress neatly.They shake hands when they meet other.When they are with others,they usually say "please""thank you""sorry" and so on.The breakfast in Britain is very rich.Usually there are all kinds of egg procts,oatmeal,bacon,ham,sausages,butter,jam,bread,milk,juice,coffee and so on.They are popular with the western countries.What's more,the English like drinking tea.They have the habit of drink afternoon tea at about 3 in the afternoon.They enjoy drinking tea and treat it as a kind of seeing friends.


英国著名的景点——大英博物馆(British Museum)

这个大英博物馆凡是去过的人都会由衷的赞叹,惊讶于这里 收藏 非常的丰富。Had been to the British Museum the number of people may feel, Great Britain has a rich grand collection.整个大英博物馆气势恢宏,金碧辉煌。The whole British Museum magnificent, beautiful decoration.博物馆开放之后,经过了英国人的不断的探险和扩张,得到了很多世界的奇珍异宝。The museum is open, through the exploration and expansion of British people,get a lot of the world's priceless treasures.我们现在看到的很多博物馆中的文物,很多都是别的国家的。Many museums we now see in cultural relics, many of them are from other countries.在这里,能感受到曾经的日不落帝国的辉煌,以及厚重的历史底蕴。Here, can feel the Empire's glory, and heavy historical background.所以说,大英博物馆是很值得我们去观赏的。Therefore, the British Museum is worth watching.

英国著名景点——威斯敏斯特教堂(Westminster Abbey)

这个教堂的位置是伦敦泰晤士河的北岸,The location of the church is on the north shore of the Thames River in London是一个典型的哥特式的建筑,Is a typical Gothic architecture有很多的欧洲名人都是埋葬到这里的。Many European celebrities are buried here.所以,教堂就更加的出名了,很多游客前来参观。Therefore, the church is more famous, many tourists come to visit.教堂的历史悠久,围绕着这个教堂有很多的 故事 发生,据说,当时建筑师的设计引发了巨大的争论。因为里边蕴含了太浓烈的文艺复兴时期的元素了。The church has a long history, around this church has a lot of story, said, at that time the architect's design sparked enormous controversy. Because itcontains too strong Renaissance elements.

英国著名景点——爱丁堡城堡(Edinburgh Castle)

爱丁堡城堡是整个城市的象征,也是整个苏格兰精神的象征,曾经作为重要的军事要塞,如今,虽然已经有些许残败,但仍不难看出昔日的辉煌和坚固。Edinburgh Castle is the symbol of the city, which is the symbol of the spirit of Scotland, had served as an important military stronghold, and now, although some are ruins, but still it is not difficult to see that in former days brilliant and solid.我们可以攀爬到城堡的最顶上,一览周围的风景,美好的景色映入眼帘,少了当时的暴力,多了一些夕阳西下的惆怅。We can climb to the top of the castle, the surrounding scenery, beautiful scenery greets, less time of violence, some of the more Sundownersmelancholy.一直以来,这里是爱丁堡的王室成员居住的地方,也曾经一度是行政中心。All the time, here is the royal family living in Edinburgh, also once was the administrative center.


England is a nation in northwest Europe and the largest and most populous constituent country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Its inhabitants account for more than 83% of the total population of the United Kingdom,[1] whilst the mainland territory of England occupies most of the southern two-thirds of the island of Great Britain and shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west. Elsewhere, it is bordered by the North Sea, Irish Sea, Atlantic Ocean, and English Channel.

England was formed as a country ring the 10th century and takes its name from the Angles — one of a number of Germanic tribes who settled in the territory ring the 5th and 6th centuries. The capital city of England is London, which is the largest city in the British Isles, capital of the United Kingdom and one of the world's Global Cities.

England ranks as one of the most influential and far-reaching centres of cultural development in the world;[2][3] it is the place of origin of both the English language and the Church of England, was the historic centre of the British Empire, and the birthplace of the Instrial Revolution.

The Kingdom of England was an independent state until 1 May 1707, when the Acts of Union resulted in a political union with the Kingdom of Scotland to create the Kingdom of Great Britain.

England's National Day is St George's Day (Saint George being the patron saint), and it is celebrated annually on 23 April.

英格兰是一个国家,欧洲和西北地区规模最大,人口最多的国家组成的联合国大不列颠及北爱尔兰。其居民超过了83 % ,占总人口的联合王国 ,而大陆领土的占领英格兰大部分地区三分之二的岛屿大不列颠及陆地边界的股票与苏格兰北部和威尔士西部。另外,它是濒临北海,爱尔兰海,大西洋和英吉利海峡。


英格兰队伍作为一个最有影响力的和深远的 文化 中心世界发展;它是原产地的英语语言和英格兰教会,是历史性的中心,英国帝国的发祥地和工业革命。


英国的国庆日是圣乔治日(圣乔治正在守护神) ,这是庆祝每年的4月23日。

伦敦旅游景点英文介绍 伦敦十大旅游景点 英文


Since the 18th century England has been one of the main cultural centres of Europe. What they thought was lacking in their cultural heritage, the British imported through study travels abroad, the grand tour, or just by importing important artefacts. The London museums thus gathered an enormous wealth of artefacts both from their own history and of the shared history of the entire western civilization, plus a load of oriental treasures from their colonies.

Next to its museums, London has quite a collection of buildings that have played an important role in the history of architecture. Not just classical buildings like St Paul's Cathedral or the Bank of England, but also the neogothic Houses of Parliament and the high-tech Lloyds building, and numerous other public and private buildings, houses and palaces have influenced architects around the world. There's no other country where architectural style is a matter of royal concern.

Those interested can catch a glimpse of most of the main sights within two hours from the top of one of those famous double-decker buses.


英国著名景点三个 简单的英语介绍

一、白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)


Buckingham Palace is the principal dormitory and office of the British monarch in London.

Located in Westminster, the palace is one of the venues for national celebrations and royal welcoming ceremonies, as well as an important tourist attraction.

Buckingham Palace is an important venue for gatherings at times of celebration or crisis in British history.

Buckingham Palace is now open to visitors. Every morning, there will be a famous handover ceremony of the guards, which has become a great view of British Royal culture.




二、伊丽莎白塔(Elizabeth Tower)


Elizabeth Tower, formerly known as Big Ben, is the Bell Tower of Westminster Palace, one of the world's famous Gothic buildings, the landmark building of London.

In June 2012, Britain announced the renaming of the Bell Tower of Big Ben, a famous landmark in London, as "Elizabeth Tower".




三、圣保罗大教堂(St.Paul's Cathedral)


St. Paul's Cathedral is the world's famous religious shrine, the fifth Cathedral in the world, the first cathedral in Britain.

and the second largest dome Cathedral in the world, ranking among the five cathedrals in the world.



四、伦敦塔(Tower of London)


The Tower of London, a landmark palace and fortress in London, England, is located on the Thames River. James I (1566-1625) was the last ruler to live in the palace.

The Tower of London served as a fortress, armoury, treasury, mint, palace, astronomical observatory, refuge and prison, especially for upper-class prisoners.

It was last used as a prison ring the Second World War.




五、威斯敏斯特大教堂(The Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster)


Westminster Abbey, commonly known as Westminster Abbey, is situated on the North Bank of the Thames in London.

It was originally a Catholic Benedictine monastery. It was built in 960, expanded in 1045, built in 1065 and rebuilt from 1220 to 1517.

Westminster Church was the Catholic Benedict Church (one of the Catholic Hermitage) until the founding of the Anglican Church in 1540. After 1540, it became an Anglican church.


威斯敏斯特大教堂,通称威斯敏斯特修道院,坐落在伦敦泰晤士河北岸,原是一座天主教本笃会隐修院,始建于公元960 年,1045年进行了扩建,1065年建成,1220年至1517年进行了重建。



The London Eye, located on the banks of the River Thames in London, England, is the world's first and most spectacular viewing wheel in 2005. It is one of London's landmarks and famous tourist spots.

伦敦眼(The London Eye),坐落在英国伦敦泰晤士河畔,是世界上首座、同时截至2005年最大的观景摩天轮,为伦敦的地标及出名旅游观光点之一。

The London Eye opened at the end of 1999, when the sponsor was British Airways and was also known as the Millennium Wheel, with a total height of 135 meters (443 feet).


There are 32 passenger cabins in the London Eye (ranging from No. 1 to 33. Because of religious taboos, there is no No. 13). Because of the tempered glass inside and outside the cabin, there is an air conditioning system. Each cabin can carry about 25 passengers, and the speed of rotation is about 0.26 meters per second, which means it takes 30 minutes.


The "London Eye" was built to celebrate the new millennium and is therefore also known as the "Millennium Ferris Wheel." Passengers can take the "London Eye" to the upper half and take a bird's eye view of London. The "London Eye" turned into a huge blue halo at night, greatly adding to the Thames' dreamy temperament.


The London Eye also lights up for the 2015 British elections. The red light represents the British Labor Party, the blue represents the Conservative Party, the purple represents the British Independence Party, and the yellow represents the Liberal Democrats.



London Eye Landmark:


British Airways, which owns a portion of the "London Eye", said: London local authorities have approved it as a permanent landmark. The decision also needs to wait for the approval of London Mayor Livingstone and the British government.


Since its opening in March 2000, more than 8.5 million people have taken the “London Eye” to the upper half and have a bird's eye view of London. The “London Eye” is also the most popular paid destination in the UK.


British Airways said the 1,500-ton building could last for at least 50 years. Sitting in the eyes of London, you can see the whole picture of London.



伦敦,这个充满震颤力的名字就让人不禁联想起那风光的历史和无上的权势。这个城市的娱乐也是日夜无间,永不停息。这是个让人狂喜与畏惧并存,灵感与愤怒共生的地方:一些闪亮的景致点缀著一个肮脏的专制舞台。 伦敦是第三世界和第一世界的「共同体」,街上名贵房车旁有随处讨饭的乞丐,守旧的传统与前卫的艺术形成对比。端庄的英女皇陛下,妖男歌手乔治男孩 (Boy Gee),前卫艺术家赫斯特 (Damien Hirst),印象主义画家泰纳(JMW Turner),精致吊钟和庄严的大笨钟,全都是来自一个城市。 伦敦如此之大,游客还是要尽量利用这里的地铁系统。但在地下转来转去,人就会无所适从,不知身居何处,破坏了对城市的整体印象。这就要靠乘坐那些红色的双层巴士(伦敦特色体验,不可不坐)来把这些支离破碎的印象整合到一起了。 旅游业是英国最大的产业之一,而伦敦是全球最繁忙的旅游城市之一,2003年,旅游业为伦敦提供了35万个工作机会。 其著名的旅游景点大多分布在市内,主要有: 大笨钟(Big Ben) 英航伦敦眼(British Airways London Eye) 大英博物馆(British Museum) 白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace) 皇家骑兵卫队阅兵场(Horse Guards Parade) 莱斯特广场(Leicester Square) 伦敦天文馆(London Aquarium ) 伦敦动物园(London Zoo) 查令十字路(Charing Cross Rd.) 唐人街(华埠)(唐人街)(China Town) 科芬园(Covent Garden) 唐宁街(Downing St.)与唐宁街10号官邸 哈洛德百货公司(Harrods)与骑士桥(Knight *** ridge)商店区 贝尔法斯特号博物馆(HMS Belfast Museum) 国会大厦(Houses of Parliament) 海德公园(Hyde Park) 肯辛顿宫(Kensington Palace) 伦敦地牢(The London Dungeon) 杜莎夫人蜡像馆(Madame Tussaud's) 伦敦大火纪念碑(Monument to the Great Fire of London) 国家美术馆(National Gallery) 自然历史博物馆(Natural History Museum) 皮卡地里圆环(Piccadilly Circus)与摄政街(Regent St.) 科学博物馆(Science Museum) 圣保罗大教堂(St. Paul's Cathedral) 泰德艺廊(Tate Gallery) 伦敦塔桥(Tower Bridge) 伦敦塔(Tower of London) 特拉法加广场(Trafalgar Square) 维多利亚与亚伯特博物馆(Victoria and Albert Museum) 西敏寺大教堂(Westminster Abbey) 2006-11-22 19:59:40 补充: 大笨钟大笨钟,或大本钟(Big Ben),即威斯敏斯特宫钟塔,是坐落在英国伦敦泰晤士河畔的一座钟楼,是伦敦的标志性建筑之一。 [编辑] 命名有一种说法称大本钟的名字来自于班杰明·豪尔爵士。 2006-11-22 20:00:52 补充: 白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)位于英国伦敦,是英国君主的官邸。 [编辑] 简介白金汉宫的建筑风格为新古典主义,主体建筑为五层,其中两层为服务人员使用的附属层,高度较低。所以立面可以视为纵、横三段式处理。白金汉宫建筑外立面装修材料为巴斯石灰岩。正面广场围以铸铁栅栏,为皇家卫队换岗仪式的场所。广场外为手持权杖、塑造为天使形象的维多利亚女王雕像。宫殿正面入口面向东北方,通过林荫路(The Mall)与特拉法尔加广场相连。 2006-11-22 20:03:47 补充: 大英博物馆大英博物馆(British Museum)是一位于英国伦敦的综合博物馆,也是世界上规模最大、最著名的博物馆之一,成立于1753年。目前博物馆拥有藏品600多万件。由于空间的限制,目前还有大批藏品未能公开展出。博物馆在1759年1月15日起正式对公众开放。[[编辑] 简介 大英博物馆大中庭大中庭(Great Court)位于大英博物馆中心,于2000年12月建成开放,目前是欧洲最大的有顶广场。广场的顶部是用1656块形状奇特的玻璃片组成的。广场中央为大英博物馆的阅览室,对公众开放。

参考: .travel.yahoo/dest/europe/england/london/index


伦敦是英国的首都,位于英格兰东南部的低地平原区,横跨泰晤士河两岸,离北海不远,涨潮时大船可直溯进入伦敦市,就是因为如此优越的地理位置,使得伦敦一直是大英帝国的历史和政治中心。今天的伦敦,无论在商业、金融和政治方面,也在全球具有举足轻重的地位。伦敦本身就是一部英国史,从绚烂归于平淡,留下了各世代的遗迹,处处可见古老的建筑,塑造出伦敦幽雅森静的气质,此番古典美感,正是观光客们对伦敦趋之若骛的主要原因. 以伦敦泰晤士河左岸的市中心为主,计可将市区分为东、西、南、北四区。南伦敦是主要的工厂地区,东伦敦也多半是工人住宅,伦敦港就在这个区域内。北伦敦是指掇政公园以北地带,在战前就是一著名的住宅区,高尔夫球场,绿地遍布,处处洋溢着欧式宁静,安详的气氛。西伦敦在市中心的西边,有肯辛顿大公园和多处著名博物馆、画廊,尤其治著泰晤士河畔更有许多建筑留着厚浓的昔日色彩,勾起游客怀旧的情绪。另外,在泰晤士河左岸则是伦敦的经济、文化与政治核心。这里有大商店、王宫、博物馆、西敏寺。走访伦敦市街任何一个角落,您都可以感受到英伦的不同风貌。尤其,伦敦还有另一种田园式的情趣绿意,最是一番恬淡可亲的写照。在迷雾深浓的伦敦漫步,无论_走在街或小巷,城间或田园,所不变是,那番罗曼蒂克的气氛永远围绕弥漫在您四周. 曾经是日不落国的大英帝国首都伦敦,今日仍是欧洲最大的都会。伦敦是所有英语系国家的孕育温床,有时给人的印象是宏伟、雄心壮志、美仑美奂得令人难以想像,但有时,这里给人的感觉又是那么冷酷、灰涩、脏乱、甚至是昂贵得离谱;这份印象依你对伦敦的期望和荷包的充实度有关,见仁见智的评价其实颇值得玩味. 以传统的观光景点来看,游伦敦只要沿着泰晤士河_River Thames_一路过来,议会大厦_House of Parliament)、大笨钟_Big Ben_、伦敦塔_London Tower_、伦敦塔桥_Tower Bridge_ ,都是代表伦敦的重要地标。路面上你可以选择搭乘地下铁或是特色十足的双层巴士游览市区. 对于喜爱追寻英国辉煌历史的游客,别错过白金汉宫_Buckingham Palace_、圣保罗大教堂_St Paul's Cathedral_、西敏寺_Westminster Abbey_等地. 喜爱历史文物艺术的游客,大英博物馆_British Museum_、国家美术馆_National Gallery_、泰德美术馆_Tate Gallery_、自然历史博物馆_National Portrait Gallery_,都是值得一游的地方。具文化娱乐多元性的苏豪区_SOHO_,Pub 与街头艺术文化在此表露无遗;中国城_China Town_、福尔摩斯博物馆_Sherlock Homlmes Museum_、塔瑟夫人蜡像馆_Madame Tussaud's_、伦敦动物园_London Zoo_、格林威治天文台_Greenwich_,都是相当不错的地方. 伦敦也是爱戏成痴人的天堂,拥有超过100座以上剧场;如果找不到看戏的门路,可买本提供游客资讯的